Hawaii Part I: The Turtle Plan

Andy and I are currently on a Hawai’i kick that has recently turned into a serious discussion about moving there permanently. Or at least retiring.

What I would secretly love to do is become one of those knowledgeable turtle ladies on Turtle Beach that gets to hang out with turtles all day and teach other people about how awesome turtles are. I call this “the turtle plan.”

How can you resist this face?!

Last year, we went to the big island, conveniently and confusingly called Hawai’i. This year (we got back yesterday, AS A NEWLY ENGAGED COUPLE!), we went to O’ahu. Andy loves to plan trips. He’s pretty good at it, actually. He planned both our Hawai’i trips, and did an excellent job. His stellar planning skills inspired me to start blogging again about our adventures. His itineraries tend to evolve from three main sources: Our adventurous spirit (“Hey, that giant cove infested with sharks looks fun!”), not listening to me when I request to do ridiculous child-like stuff (“No, honey, you cannot ride the sea-turtle.”), and Andrew Doughty’s Revealed series of books (found here).

I couldn’t get over the sea turtles. I asked Andy if I could take one home and he said no.