Meet Don & Donna the Donkeys

Don the stuffed Santorini Donkey came bounding into our lives in August 2014 while on our Honeymoon in Greece. The island of Santorini is famous for the numerous donkeys that roam around; they are an essential component of the island’s economy, food transportation, and tourism industry. The gift shops are adorned with donkey backpacks, t-shirts, statuettes, and stuffed animals. They’re iconic and timeless, and will melt your heart.

One hot and humid day in Santorini, Andy wandered into a store to buy a bottle of water and emerged with a stuffed donkey for Allison. He told her the donkey’s name was Don and that he needed a forever home. Don officially became the blog mascot a couple days later. Over the last year, Don the Donkey has developed a rather interesting personality. He’s bougie and adorably pretentious, with travel demands that rival even the most picky of Princes. He loves history, culture, expensive dining, craft beer, and sneaking himself into historical sites and fancy restaurants. He insists on the best, because, let’s be honest, he is the best. His donkey girlfriend, Donna, joined the team in December 2014. 
This blog is dedicated to our adorable nephew, Conor, Don’s first and truest fan. 

Note: The donkeys on Santorini are are cute, loving, and fun, but the treatment at the hands of their owners are questionable. Many travel blogs decry the use of the donkeys as transportation, and numerous animal welfare agencies call attention to the plight of donkeys in Greece. Check out these awesome animals and how to help them here and here.